Om arbetsgivaren - Skandionkliniken
Skandionkliniken i Uppsala är den enda klinik i Sverige som utför strålbehandling med protoner. Kliniken har varit i drift sedan 2015 och är kontinuerligt i en utvecklingsfas. Skandionkliniken ägs och drivs av Kommunalförbundet Avancerad Strålbehandling. Bakom förbundet står de sju regioner som har universitetssjukhus. I verksamheten ingår också Hotel von Kraemer där många patienter bor under behandlingsperioden.

Arbetsgivare Skandionkliniken
Region Uppsala län
Bransch Tekniskt arbete
Sista ansökningsdag 2023-03-24
Om arbetsgivaren - Skandionkliniken
Skandionkliniken i Uppsala är den enda klinik i Sverige som utför strålbehandling med protoner. Kliniken har varit i drift sedan 2015 och är kontinuerligt i en utvecklingsfas. Skandionkliniken ägs och drivs av Kommunalförbundet Avancerad Strålbehandling. Bakom förbundet står de sju regioner som har universitetssjukhus. I verksamheten ingår också Hotel von Kraemer där många patienter bor under behandlingsperioden.
Researcher at the Skandion Clinic
We are seeking a suitably qualified researcher for an exciting opportunity to research at the Skandion Clinic.
Responsibilities and tasks
The position involves research and development related to the implications of potential improvement of target margins for proton therapy with pencil beam scanning and further requirements on the accuracy of proton range verification based on prompt gamma emission detection. Comparative dose planning will be used for this purpose together with statistical and radiobiological comparisons.
Eligibility criteria
We attach great importance to abilities to cooperate and collaborate in a multi-professional environment as well as in a network of researchers.
- MSc degree in a relevant area (e.g. medical physics, mathematics and physics, radiation physics or other branches of applied physics).
- Experience in proton treatment planning and verification
- Clinical experience in radiation therapy
- Other radiation or particle therapy experiencePosition details
Type of position:
Fixed-term employment on a full-time position (up to 12 months – with possibility for extension).
Working place: The position implies work at Skandion and at one of our academic collaborators where the main placement will be.
Salary: Individually negotiated salary
Starting date: According to agreement
The Skandion Clinic strives to be an attractive workplace for qualified candidates. Examples of benefits that you are covered include free health care, subsidies for wellness, and related activities.
Additional questions may be answered by Chief Medical Physicist Alexandru Dasu phone +46-70-202 47 64, e-mail alexandru.dasu@skandion.se
For union representatives at the Skandion Clinic, please consult:
Fackliga företrädare vid Skandionkliniken | Skandionkliniken
Please send your application to the indicated link in the advertisement at the latest by 24 March 2023. The application should include a CV and personal letter. Additional information might be requested at a later stage.
About Skandion Clinic
The Skandion Clinic, situated in Uppsala, is the first dedicated clinical facility in Scandinavia for highly advanced proton beam treatments. The clinic utilises some of the latest equipment for particle therapy and has been in operation since August 2015 treating patients with scanned proton beams in two treatment rooms.
The Skandion Clinic is owned and run by the Joint Commission of County Councils for Advanced Radiotherapy composed by the seven national regions with university hospitals in Sweden. Activities at the Skandion Clinic are conducted using a distributed competence model, which implies close collaboration between the Skandion Clinic and the university hospitals in Sweden.
The Skandion Clinic currently has employed one Chief Physicist and seven medical physicists. Several other medical physicists with permanent employment at the Swedish university hospitals come on a rotational basis to the proton clinic. Other personnel at the clinic include specialist and consultant radiation oncologists, radiotherapy technologists, specialist nurses and administrative personnel.
The Joint Commission of County Councils for Advanced Radiotherapy also runs a hotel, Hotel von Kraemer, providing accommodation for the patients undergoing treatment at the Skandion Clinic, but also open for the general public.